Your paving problems need solutions that bring value and longevity to your property. Our experts stay informed and test the latest methods so you can trust that we will bring reliable results to your project.
No matter the size of the project, we develop written work orders and site plans for every project. This ensures that even the smallest details are communicated to ensure the job is done to your expectations.
Paving maintenance is the single largest factor for extending its lifespan maximizing your return on investment. That’s why our maintenance teams deliver state of the art solutions and bring an exacting level of attention to each project.
As with any surface exposed to weather, asphalt can become compromised without protection. To safeguard against this, asphalt sealcoating is a necessity that saves time and money over the life of pavement. A simple maintenance procedure like asphalt sealing extends the life of your parking lot and should be a priority in your maintenance budget. You simply cannot afford to put it off. APM Paving of Lexington KY is the sealcoating company of choice for the Lexington/Louisville areas.
Asphalt is a durable material and a sound investment that increases the value of your home or business. But as the years go by, mother nature and other factors can play a hand in its deterioration. Water tends to penetrate the asphalt base over time, causing the asphalt structure to become compromised. Once this begins to occur you’ll begin to see cracks along the surface. If left untreated, these cracks can grow over time, allowing water to penetrate to the base of the pavement. Before long, your only option might be to remove the asphalt and replace it.
Proper maintenance will prevent your asphalt surface from needing replacement, and routinely sealcoating is your best option. Asphalt sealing on a regular basis will actually make it last longer. APM Paving is the asphalt sealing company with over 40 years experience protecting asphalt properties.
Asphalt sealcoating is the process of applying an asphalt or coal tar based sealant to the surface of existing asphalt pavement. The goal of sealcoating is protecting and prolonging your parking lot’s natural life cycle. A quality asphalt sealant has the ability to protect pavement from nature’s elements, normal wear, and chemicals like oil that leaks from vehicles. Sealcoating protects asphalt pavement and also restores its rich black color – keeping your property attractive and safe. Sealcoating costs less per square foot compared to the dollars needed to repair or replace damaged pavement.
After investing in an attractive driveway or parking lot, property owners often wonder if routine sealcoating is worth the investment. Look at sealcoating as a way to protect that investment by preventing you from having to perform repairs in the future. It can even double the life of your asphalt pavement, especially when combined with regular maintenance techniques such as crack sealing and general asphalt repair. We recommend having your parking lot sealed about every three years (depending on the material and traffic) or when the surface begins to turn grey. That’s probably a clue that the surface is in some stage of oxidation and is beginning to lose the binder that holds the materials in the asphalt together.
Most business owners know that a well maintained property not only increases its value, but is also more pleasing to your patrons!
APM Paving is the trusted name in asphalt sealcoating for commercial properties in the Lexington and Louisville areas. With over 40 years of pavement expertise, rest assured that your asphalt sealcoating project is in the right hands.
Call today at 859-299-8111 for a free estimate.
Learn more about about our Asphalt Paving and Asphalt Parking Lot Maintenance.